Location: Camp Kerr, Tin Can Bay, Queensland


Event: Response to previous Yowie report - 1992 Military Training Ops


Response Date: Oct 2008






Hi Dean,


On reading an article on the web-site re - military 1992 (Tin Can Bay), incident involving 6 military personnel i may be able to fill in some details.
1. It sounds like the incident at Wide Bay military training area if it is the same incident there were only 4 members involved with a cast of many through out the night.
2. The incident occurred pretty well the same however the camp was first visited about 2230 h after the team of two at the camp called for help by radio an additional two members were sent by vehicle to re-inforce the camp. I was one of these members that returned to my camp after conducting tasks away that night.
3. It was only after the support vehicle had left the area , that the animal in question commenced to harass the camp to such a point that evacuation was the only suitable courses of action.
4. Blank rounds were initially used to attempt to scare the animal including the use of night flares in an attempt to kill it. The animal in question had even attempted to chase the evacuation vehicle while it was driving away.
5. Due to the training activity it was necessary to return to the location next morning after a simulated attack by the good guys a second encounter occurred the animal was spotted coming back in towards the camp at 0700 h that morning then fled the area.
6. All team members involved were send to Camp Kerr WIDE BAY ay approx 0830 hours. There was soup and bread waiting and our issued weapons were taken from us and cleaned by other staff.
7. Other new members who were act as Enemy were waiting we were told to get our kit together and a vehicle returned us to Brisbane.
8. The approx Grid reference of the incident can be supplied.













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