Location: Launceston, Tasmania


Event: Yowie Sighting


Date of Sighting: Friday the 2nd of January 1987


Date of report: 6th of January, 1987


Source: “News Newspaper” – Perth, supplied by the Australian Press Cuttings Agency


Witnesses: Bill Johnstone and Stella Donohue of Kew







Text: A Melbourne couple claim to have seen a Monster during a Tasmanian holiday. Bill Johnstone and Stella Donohue, of Kew, told the Launceston Examiner Newspaper that they encountered “a strange thing” at a secluded lake.


The incident occurred on Friday when a punctured tyre forced the couple to spend the night on the shores of Lake Dulverton at Oatlands in Tasmania’s Midlands.


The had pitched their tent and retired for the night, but were woken about two o’clock by bird like noises round their tent.


Stella Donohue unzipped the tent flap and saw the creature. “It was about two metres tall”, she said. “It looked silvery and something like an Ape.”











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