Location: Bents Basin, Oberon New South Wales

Event: Yowie Sighting

Date: Events Occurred in late 1990’s / Early 2000.

Male Witness.


Report recorded by Paul Cropper.






Take me through the story from the beginning and start with a little bit about yourself.



These things happened when I went out with friends to the bush. I used to love going to the bush all the time, catching lizards and stuff.



How old were you?



In my 20s - that's when I started going out because I had a car.



Take me through where you were and what happened.



It’s a place called Bents Basin. Its’ a big waterhole and there's just bush all around it. This place was really weird. I used to love going bush walking. I remember I used to go up there… and (I’d) get these freaky feelings…



Take me through your first encounter.



I can't tell you which one came first because it was all around the same (time). I went there with my best friend and my girlfriend and his girlfriend. We took my car down in the nighttime. We parked up the road and we started walking down this little track, towards the waterhole. I stopped to relieve myself, and they sort of kept on walking and I went to the side where the bush starts. I remember just stopping there. You could still see everything because the moon was pretty (bright).


And then next thing… it's like I heard some noise in the bush run in front of me. Sorry man, this is freaking me out a little bit when I say this. As I was looking up and I saw this sort of fur behind the bushes. It was like there was a carpet there right in front of me or something. Then it moved a little bit and I kept on looking up and then I’ve seen this sort of face. I can't remember the face fully because there was bushes there, but this thing sort of moved. I could see these eyes and this face of looking, you know I mean, looking at me and my brain was thinking - fuck this - this carpet, has it got fur? It was like just sort of moving.


It just stood there and for some reason I just finished what I was doing and then just turned to my right and walked up and caught up to my friends. But I didn't say anything. I only thought about it later when I was talking to someone about that area… it popped into my head. It was like… remembering a dream or something.






We went near the water and the girls put like a big drape on the ground and we had some music happening. Playing our tapes. Maybe five or ten minutes and I went into the water. I went in there and went out maybe like ten meters out. My friends started saying “get in, get in, get in”. All just around me in a circle the water was “boiling”. All these bubbles all around me. They called me back to get back on land. I got out of there and just as I was doing that this this four wheel (vehicle) came this guy came out of it. He started yelling at us to get out of there.


I only remembered it like years later when I mentioned this place and he popped into my head. But I swear to you on my mom that's in heaven I seen this thing I seen this thing through the bushes. Sort of moving left and right - not far. It was just like moving like just a little tiny bit. Maybe it was breathing. He was like someone had draped a carpet behind the bushes and then just right at the top of it… was a face.



How tall was this thing?



I had to look up to see the face. Because I wanted to see… and that's when I was looking towards the face. Then it moved a little bit and that's when I seen the face and it was looking at me. I mean right at me. I didn't see any details of arms or anything because like I said, it just looked like fur. If he wanted to it could have just reached out and just grabbed me straight away



What did you notice about the face?



I sort of noticed the eyes and they were moving, they were looking at me. Its mouth was closed. It was just it was just behind the leaves. I didn't see teeth or anything like that. It was just looking at me. I don't know if it… looked at my friends and then looked at me. That's what caught my eye…





Tell me the hair colour.



It was a greyish colour, like when you go to the rocks at the river. It looked greyish, with maybe tiny little bits of black here and there.



Was the hair long or short?



The hair was as long as my fingers. I could hardly see any skin at all.



Did the face remind you like an animal face or a human face?



It didn’t remind me of an animal. It reminded me more of a person. Like an Islander. The skin was a dark greyish color. It had a big sort of lip. The mouth went wide - far into each side of the face. The nose was like an aboriginal. It wasn't a monkey face - it wasn't a monkey face at all.


The fur sort of… came down from the forehead… from the top of the forehead It came down and then it sort of came back towards the cheeks … the forehead was a little bit big… you could see like heaps of the forehead…it was like pushed back… the forehead was pushed back… the head was bigger than mine like the head was (like) if you put two or three of my heads together… and the shoulders were… I could put three of me in there… that's how big I think this thing was and I looked up… I'm only five-six or something and he was taller than me… that’s what sort of makes me freak out now… I can't believe like he didn't do anything… I mean it didn't scream.



How close where you to this thing? Could you have touched it?



I would have just put my hand out and gone straight through the little thin bush…

I probably would have got it. I reckon it was on its knees or something. I reckon it was maybe on its knees because it just didn't make sense. I reckon he was either sitting down or on its knees and like I reckon I would have touched it… because I was right in front of it.



And that was your first experience. You had another one or several others?



Yeah, I've had a couple of them because I used to go to the bush a lot another one It was just a quick one.


We went to Oberon and we were like motorbike riding. I was on the back getting a double and we'll go through this area where there was just tall trees. I noticed something like on the left-hand side. Like something blackish… like a shadow sort of moving along next to us really fast. I just sort of kept on looking to my left. I seen what looked like to me a person running really fast, But it wasn't a person. Like a lanky furry thing. It was like a person with fur, like a blackish fur. It was like a shadow. It was moving that fast that I couldn't make any details of it, but he's running. There's no way someone could run on top of all the stuff that was on the ground There's no way someone could run that fast along all that stuff.



How long did it stay beside the motorbike?



Maybe two to three hundred meters. It was just running. Maybe ten meters away from us. He was like a person running and he was a darkish colour and It was running fast man. I don't know what happened.



Your next encounter - what happened?



We used to go to (Heathcote) to this… big bridge. We used to just quickly just duck into (a) little fire track. Park our car there (and) walk down this little fire trail. We used to walk down there. We would get onto the creek and then we'd go… back towards the bridge. And I remember because we used to go there a lot and I remember a lots of times we used to feel weird that things were looking at us and that but you could never see anything. We weren't looking for things you know I mean I was looking for lizard.


We walk towards the bridge and… there's this big pylons that come down from the bridge. We're walking on this track which turns into like rock and then there's water. The creek runs underneath the bridge. That's where it was - it was right there.


I don't know if it was drinking. At the water's edge. He was doing something in the water. I think it was he was splashing… or maybe he had something… he was moving around his hand. I remember we all just stopped right there. There was four of us there and we all just stopped and seen it and none of us said anything. I'm telling you we talked about it later in the car. We were all freaking out… we didn't stay long after that we just took off quickly.



It stood up. This one was different… it wasn't like the one I've seen at Bents Basin. this one had more  of a reddish brownish colour. The face was a lot darker. And we didn't get a really good look because it was 50 to 100 meters away. No, maybe about 70 meters away. It's noticed us, and then he got up and then he walked. It didn't look like he was walking fast, but he was moving fast - I can't explain that bit either. Anyway, and then he got behind the pylon, and then we all freaked out.


Oh sh*t. Sh*t what was that? Then we sort of whispering - you know we're freaking out. One of one of us wanted to have a look and I was sort of a little bit keen to look again. Two of us went around as we went around It wasn't there anymore. We looked up to see maybe f*cking climbed up on the concrete pylon. So we all just high tailed it back to the car. We jumped in the car and we couldn't stop talking about it, man. We were freaking we didn't know whether to call the cops or whether to go to the actual police station.



When you were looking at this thing about how big was it?



I don't know (over) two meters.



Can I ask what you weigh?



I weigh 63kg



What do you think this thing could have possibly weighed oh?



I reckon 150-200kg



Was it a solid thing or was it a lean thing ?



It was heaps muscley, like a basketball (player). It had muscles - like you could see muscles. I mean we could see that It was strong.



Was the hair long or short.



Maybe 50 mils to 100 mils in different sections. It looked smooth. You know, like a horse with brownish hair. It didn't look like it was scruffy and dirty. This thing looked after itself.



How long did you have it in view?



It gets up it looks at us. We're looking at it for a couple of seconds, and he starts walking, but that's a weird part. It was moving fast, but it didn't look like it was moving fast. It moved maybe ten meters and he was already behind the pole. When I think about it probably wasn't even two minutes.



Was that your last experience, or have you had other experiences?



Yeah. Actually, no I had another one.


I went to to the Blue Mountains, and I took a couple of friends with me. and I told him I said look I'm going there for at least two weeks. I just went straight, just chucked a right and went straight into the bush. What happened (was) at night time while I was there right? I started hearing noises around me. like people were walking around my car. The thing to me was that I knew it was Yowies for some reason even back then I knew it was a Yowie.


At night time I could hear things walking around me and going through where I had my little fire in my barbecue. Noises like something was touching it, and I could hear people walking around me. I was too scared to look up. This would happen for a couple of nights, and then it wouldn't happen again for a couple of nights. And then it would happen again for a couple of nights.



Any other strange experiences?



I’ve seen some UFOs. It was a nice sunny day. For some reason like I heard this popping noise up in the sky, So I looked up and I remember seeing these - they looked like giant ball bearings. Then I got the whole street coming up with binoculars and everybody looking at these things - a whole bunch of them .They were pop-pop boom and every time they'll go across you'd hear a popping noise  They all started going towards the sun where you couldn't see because it'll hurt your eyes.

Then it's like After they all went towards the Sun They all it's like they all got together because when he went away from the Sun it looked like a whole bunch of ball bearings stuck together And then he went slowly it wasn't as fast as when they were Sipping around and they all slowly go further and further and further away, and then until we couldn't see him anymore Yeah, interesting I mean



Any other kind of strange experiences in your life?



This is one of those experiences that… I didn't remember it until one night my girlfriend and I were talking. I was living by myself in this house. I used to have a chihuahua.  Anyway, I was sleeping and then I could I heard this noise, I thought the dogs got out.


I walked out of my room I didn't bother turning the lights on because the (street) light will come in through the blinds onto my living room. I know this is gonna sound mad man, and please don't think I'm crazy man. There was these three pretty big – like wasps, but without wings - on the wall. They were making this noise (a) tapping noise. The point of this whole thing is that I don't remember going back to bed. I know I've seen them, because they were right there I was watching them for at least like a minute and a half. But I do not remember what happened after that. I don't remember going back to bed because the next morning I woke up to go to work and everything was normal



When I lived in Liverpool, in Memorial Avenue, I remember when I was a kid I remember I used to get these fevers, and I used to run around chasing this box that used to change shape.







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