Location: Avonsleigh, Victoria
Event: Yowie Sighting
Date: 1985
Time: 1am
I have been reading through your list of sightings and noted something listed at Emerald, Victoria.
I think it would be worth conducting interviews in the Grieves Road, Avonsleigh (back of Emerald Lake) area. When I was living in that area in the 80's there were a series of sightings over a few weeks in and around that street and everyone was petrified.
I was at my boyfriends house one night when he and I woke to his parents around 1am, they were in the bathroom, watching what they described as a bigfoot up ending the neighbours rubbish bin. Over the course of about 3 weeks or so, there were several other close encounters as this creature was entering local properties at night and was sighted at close range more than once.
I missed seeing this creature as I was the last to look out the window that night, but there were four of us present that night, three witnessed it, described it as a two legged hairy, large creature and they said it appeared to be strong as it picked up the bins very easily.
It had been about 12 months earlier when my boyfriend at the time told me his friend along with his girlfriend had been terrorised by this same creature down at the lake whilst in their car, which had apparently shaken their car. I just want to note that around this time there was also a mass UFO sighting of several residents in Grieves Road.
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